WHOIS History lets you check domain history ownership

Domains Index allows you to check the historical records of domain names and track how their ownership details have changed over the years. With billions of historical WHOIS records, WHOIS History can provide additional data points for cybercrime investigations, assist in online fraud prevention, and augment digital marketing strategies.

Dig into years’ worth of domain history ownership information, and unveil actual WHOIS details before record redaction.


What You Can Do with a WHOIS History Database


  • Cybercrime investigators can intensify their investigation on a suspicious domain name by tracking its historical footprint. Domain history ownership records can reveal clues to pin down an attacker.
  • Security teams and cybercrime investigators can build an attacker profile, which includes a list of domains that the threat actor owns both at present and in the past.
  • Domains that are currently privacy-protected may not have been so in the past. At best, security teams and domain name investors can use WHOIS History to reveal the domain’s current owner if it didn’t change hands recently. Otherwise, they can see the details of previous owners and start there.
  • Business owners and domain name investors need to exert due diligence before buying a domain name, as its past can affect its lucrativeness. Domain history details can help them see if a domain is associated with disreputable registrants, websites, and IP addresses.
  • Looking into domain history details can help businesses avoid entanglements with a blacklisted domain. Using a blacklisted domain name can negatively affect your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and email deliverability.
  • These days, you don’t only need to investigate malicious domains. You also need to look at the possible cyber risks that your third-party vendors, partners, and competitors pose. Domain history ownership details can help you determine the trustworthiness of any entity.


Find Out More About The Benefits of Domain History Ownership


Contact us for more information or questions about WHOIS History. We can discuss how to customize WHOIS History to fit your specific needs.